Hypnotherapy for Eating Disorders

Eating disorders can manifest in many unhealthy ways. It can be difficult to identify an eating disorder, especially if it has been a way for you to cope emotionally. As well as psychological effects, you may experience physical effects such as severe weight loss or weight gain which may have an impact on your long term health. Chelmsford Hypnotherapy can help you change your relationship with food through hypnotherapy for disordered eating. 

Two women holding a sign that says "don't let your mind bully your body"

How do I know if I have an eating disorder?

Signs and symptoms that you should look out for (but are not limited to) include:

  • Worrying about your weight, shape, size and appearance
  • Restricting how much you eat
  • Avoiding situations where eating may be involved
  • Making yourself sick
  • Eating excessively
  • Exercising excessively
  • Having strict habits around eating
  • Significant changes in your weight
  • Physical effects like mood swings or tiredness

If you’d like to know more about eating disorders, the NHS website is a great place to start.

What eating disorders can be treated using hypnotherapy?

All types of eating disorders can be treated at Chelmsford Hypnotherapy, including:

  • Hypnotherapy for anorexia
  • Hypnotherapy for bulimia
  • Hypnotherapy for obesity
  • Hypnotherapy for emotional eating
  • Hypnotherapy for binge eating
  • Hypnotherapy for pica

And more.

How does hypnotherapy and NLP for eating disorders work?

Hypnotherapy for eating disorders works by promoting an overall shift in mindset, by using the power of suggestion on your subconscious; to change your unhelpful eating habits and negative thinking. Combined with the use of NLP, it is possible to re-frame your attitudes around food, shifting the unhelpful thoughts and limiting beliefs that underpin dysfunctional behaviours. Whilst in a state of relaxing hypnosis, we can embed these changes at a subconscious level, supporting sustainable and long-term change.

Is hypnotherapy for eating disorders effective?

Yes! Hypnotherapy for eating disorders is very effective, as long as your mind is open to change, and you are committed to creating a healthier future.

Lots of people start hypnotherapy thinking there is a magic wand… there isn’t! It is a process of working through the deeper emotions that impact your relationship with food and making your weight management a priority in your life.

What should I expect at my first session of eating disorder hypnotherapy?

In your first session, we will begin to explore why you are here, and your existing eating disorder. Disordered eating often stems from other underlying mental health issues, such as depression, anxiety, emotional distress, and more, so it’s important to explore your past and identify potential triggers. You will have the opportunity to ask any questions about eating disorder hypnotherapy. If we have time in the initial session, you may also get to experience hypnosis for the first time!

How many sessions of hypnotherapy do I need to deal with my eating disorder?

Every person is different when it comes to hypnotherapy for disordered eating, some may find just 4-6 sessions effective, and others may need more. You may even need a top-up session after a few months or even years. Once we meet and I get an idea of your experience with eating disorders, I will be able to give you a more accurate estimate of hypnotherapy sessions I expect us to do together.

How much is a session of eating disorder hypnotherapy?

You can see session fees for Chelmsford Hypnotherapy here.

It is £50 per session.

Would you like to learn more about the hypnotherapy for eating disorders? Reach out today and take the first steps to change your life.

Use Your Mind to Change Your Life